On the 27th September we finally met with my oncologist this appointment was very shocking for me I spent most of it in tears whilst he told me I was going to have chemo 4 rounds of capox. This I was fine with I knew it was going to be this after a chat with a few people on my Bowel cancer support group so he went through all the side effects neuropathy which is numbness in hands, feet and pins and needles in hands, feet and throat triggered by the cold. It was the fact that he kept repeating that it was incurable the fact that I have a KRAS mutation which makes treatment limited there was only this one chemotherapy that I could have at this time. I'm not very good with the doctors jargon but from what I could take from this I have put in my own words. I was informed that my cancer isn't going to go because it's in my cells in my body that they can't locate and don't have the technology to locate it. So I was always going to have cancer I have most probably had it for a very long time. I don't really remember alot of the appointment I let Scott take it all in. All I wanted to know was if I had months or years I was told years.  Off we went home I was a mess as we got in the car it was Scott's turn again to calm me. So we sat and listed the positives I won't loose my hair, I didn't have to have a port or pic line, it would only be 4 rounds for my time my oncologist was straight forward talking and very informative and I didn't have cancer in my gland in my neck. It was time again to tell the family and be positive Scott did this one as I was in no state to do it. This time we had to tell the youngest two being as they would notice when I started treatment, Matthew wasn't too fussed he wanted a new plush and that's all he could focus on. Elizabeth said that maybe if I drank more water instead of wine it would go... if only it was that easy 🤣.
Now was time to get ready for chemo and enjoy my last few days of feeling fine. 
A week before I had my covid test and bloods test and was given the all clear to start on the 13th October to prepare I had my last iced Cold bottle of Prosecco being as it would be my last in a while 🥂