I thought I would give a little update on here recently I had a blockage  what I thought was a food  blockage I woke up one morning and my output had stopped there was a little bit of yellow liquid but hardly anything.  I carried on the morning walking the dog but after a few hours I noticed my stomach where my stoma was swelling  my stoma was double the size and there was absolutely nothing coming out.  So after a quick search online I decided to try warm fluid that didn't work. I thought I'd try a white wine as that normally goes straight through  that didn't work either. By now the pain was horrific so I thought I'd try a bath and massage the area, well ot was too sore to touch so I didn't give too much of a massage.  My bath had gone cold so I called Scott to come and get me out I could heave myself out of the bath I was on too much pain. 
I managed to get out but collapsed to the floor on pain I could even change my bag Scott had to do that too.  He had enough and said he was calling his mum to take me to a&e I really didn't want to do that she had just got back from holiday and it was 6.30 she would have just wanted to settle in for the night. 
After trying to calm myself down I agreed he should call his mum I was in agony I honestly think it felt worse than being in labour.  
Vee and Terry came to get me and off we went to a&e I checked in and they was actually aloud to stay with me which was such a relief. I was seen by the nurse and told her that I have cancer and shouldn't be in the waiting room with everyone else. She said they would get me a room of my own after having my bloods and Covid test done.  I was amazed at how quickly they got me a room of my own. My pains were still coming so they gave me some morphine they told me I would go for an x ray to see if I had a food blockage.  Whilst waiting they brought me some paracetamol and fluid on an iv, I finally managed to get an hours sleep. They came in and said that it wasn't an food blockage and that I need to have a ct scan to see if my Bowel was twisted or there was any kinks in it. They wantede to put a suppository in my stoma. I was absolutely horrified I have never really handled my stoma before other than to wipe it to clean. I told them I wouldn't be able to do that but they could try.  Well the size of this suppository was bigger than a paracetamol capsul it would go in, so the doctor came in and tried but before that he decided he would put his finger in and poke around to see if he could dislodge anything.  I was literally climbing the bed to get off and told him to stop I would have some laxatives I could drink. They went and got that and off I went for my ct scan. 
When I came back I was informed I had a kink in my Bowel and would need an NG tube to stop me from being sick incase feaces came up and into my lungs. 
I was petrified to have the NG tube id never had one and they sound horrible. Well they came to do it and it was as awful as I thought. So they get the tube out it down ur nose and it then goes down your throat though to you stomach.  It then drains the contents of your stomach. I felt so sorry for the nurse. She couldn't get it to go in so she had to call the doctor who did it whilst I had 3 nurses in to pin me down and stay in place because I was trying to get away from them.  I then couldn't stop being sick (the whole point of the tube is to stop the sick) turns out the pushed it too far in so I then had to get them to pull it out a little. I think it's the worst thing iv had done the feeling of the tube down the back of my throat made me want to be sick all the time and I gaged every time I spoke. 
They then gave me a contrast dye through the tube to flush the kink out and show if there's any blockages or scar tissue sticking my Bowel together.  I was then sent up to a ward to be admitted for the night. 
I was told that after 6 hours I would go to have another x ray or ct scan well after 10 hours I went down. Hoping it would all be clear being as my stoma was now working I assumed they would take the NG tube out and let me get some sleep. 
I came back up to the ward and was told I would have to wait for the surgeon to see my scan before they could take the tube out.  I was feeling really down and fed up by now. I hadn't managed to actually talk because the tube made me feel so sick so could only txt Scott to let him know what was going on. I was starving and my mouth was so dry they wouldn't let me have anything.  The only good thing now was that Scott was able to visit me and bring me some clothes and iPad up, was a massive pain to have to txt him whilst he sat next to me because I just couldn't cope with the gaging from the tube. My bag was still filling up so I spent most the night empting that will hardly no sleep. 
The next morning all the drs and surgeons came round typically mine was the last one to bloody come. By now I was so fed up I didn't listen to anything he said I just wanted the tube out, he said the words I was waiting to hear I could have my tube out. I was so relieved and happy. He said I have to try and eat something if I could keep it down I could go home!!  
Scott had come to see me I was so happy to see him and talk to him probably he probably thought I wish they would stick that bloody tube back in so she shut up 🤣🤣. Luckily whilst he was there my stoma nurse came to visit me I had completely forgot to ask the surgeon what had actually happened in the end I was just so excited to get the tube removed.  So off she went to find out whilst had my catheter and iv lines taken off me. Neena my stoma nurse came back and told me that the scar tissue from surgery had stick my bowels together and formed a kink so it was nothing to do with food and nothing I could of prevented. 
Scott left to get Matthew from school whilst I ate some lunch I managed to keep everything down they said I could go home but needed to wait for discharge forms. I told them to send them in the post it was nearly school pick up time and wanted to go and get my girls and just be home.  
Scott and Matthew picked me up and we went to get the girls I was still a little sore and was told I might develop a hernia from all the strain on my Bowel so didn't walk in to get Elizabeth I waited at the car.  I had this lovely vision of her coming out being all excited and running at me like in movies, well she saw me and just said have you brought me a snack then kicked off that I hadn't 🤣🤦🏼‍♀️  At least I know she wasn't too affected by me not being there.  Paige was very excited and didn't leave me alone all night wanting to know that I was ok and not in pain bless her. 
I'm 2 weeks post that now and iv had one time where my stoma didn't work all day but decided to take some laxatives myself and it started working (I have since been told by Neena not to take laxatives and to go to a&e if it happens again so don't take medical advice from me) I was too scared to go to a&e I didn't want an NG tube again and I was going on holiday the next day 🤣 Im back eating and drinking normally too. I have also been booked in for my reversal on the 12th of July. I think im more nervous about this surgery than getting my stoma I think it's the uncertainty afterwards of what I will be able to do without always having a bathroom close by. I will do another post about that though. 
Thank you all for reading 😘