It's been a while since I updated here. Life as usual has been soo busy we have had our holiday to disneyland which was amazing the kids loved it. I was worried about needing to go to the toilet constantly because my bowels were still getting used to the reversal. But it was fine I don't think I cued once for the toilet.
I was still on chemo but was on my weeks break so I felt fine was a little slower than usual but the priority passes helped that we didn't have to cue for rides.
We Waldo upgraded to a hotel that included afternoon snacks so we took a break to go back for that which ment we could sit down and recharge our batteries.
When we came back I had my scan and then a break from chemo. It was definitely a much needed break I was tired from chemo and just needed to have Christmas off. We had a lovely Christmas whilst waiting for scan results but I was so busy I didn't really think about it. My results came in after new year. They showed that I had shrinkage to most my tumours my oncologist had decided I should go on a treatment break, I wasn't very happy about this and questioned why I shouldn't stay on chemo if it was shrinking. She mentioned that I could possibly go on a clinical trial if I had progression but I didn't want to wait for my cancer to start growing again when it was actually shrinking so I asked her if I could stay on the chemo and then see what happened. They agreed so I wen back on to the same chemo folfiri I was happy about this being as I hadn't really had any side effects other than feeling tired with this one. They also agreed that Icould have my picc line removed and a port put in which sits under the skin so you can't see it, you can also swim bath and shower with it which after having a picc line is amazing.
The procedure wasn't very pleasant I was awake whilst they inject you with local anesthetic you are given the option to have gas and air which of course I opted for. So before she did the first injection I made sure the gas and air was put in my hand. I felt the first injection which wasn't pleasant then the rest of the time had my mouth around the gas and air nozzle. Once they have done the injection the make an insison in your neck where they then use a small needle with a camera on the end to see where to place the port, you then have an x ray to make sure it's in the right place. By this point I had used so much gas and air I wasn't fully aware what was going on I came to and nobody was in the room I honestly thought they had finished and was trying to syke myself to get up. Thank goddess that I didn't actually get up because little did I know (they had covered my face with paper) I was actually open still and the procedure wasn't finished. Everyone was soon back in the room and I was told they were going to stitch the port in place. On I went back to my gas and air which I think concerned the nurse because he said to me oh no are you in pain I said no, so he said oh why are you using the gas and air then I said because I like it 🤦🏼♀️🤣. I just didn't want to be aware of what was going on I could hear then stitching me back up and the snipping of scissors it was horrible.
thankfully after about 40 minutes it was over I got up and sat in recovery I was surprised that I was uncomfortable or in pain. I did however feel very sick so they only made me stay there for an hour and let me go home. The healing for a port is a few weeks but it can be used the day after. Luckily for me I didn't have chemo for a week so had time to heal before being used. Thankfully that was the case with chemo become my lovely children had given me a sickness bug which made me just feel nauseous for about a week and half. I was so panicked that it was side effects from chemo because my next round of chemo I also got another sick bug. Luckily I havnt had that feeling from my last two chemos.
My first chemo since having my port I was petrified I had no idea what it was going to be like have my port accessed I had seen online but you don't actually know until you experience it. Luckily I had my funny Irish nurse who knew just how nervous I was about the needle being put in and she did it so gently and acceded it first time I think she was more nervous than me that she wouldn't get it first time 🤦🏼♀️. I had my port needle put in then had to have a cannula done because I have to have two things at a time my port can only be accessed for one. I know now from having so many rounds and so many cannulas where they can go in my arms and where it doesn't hurt, I'm so grateful that my nurses listen to me now and know where they can put the cannulas so it doesn't make me panick like it used to. I was then sent home with my chemo attached to my port for the 48 hours which was fine I slept with my pump on my bag just like I used to when it was on my picc. Then went in on. The Thursday for disconnect where I was told I could finally have a bath which I can tell you was the nicest bath I have had I fully submurged in a full hot bubble bath and just kept adding more and more hot water when it got cold. It's so much nicer having a port the children don't notice it which I think helps them forget about my cancer a little as it's not in thier face.
I have managed to join the gym now too which I couldn't do with my picc and go swimming, Paige has joined with me too which she's really enjoying and she uses that time to have a chat with me about anything that's worrying her as she has told us that she's feeling stressed and anxious about my diagnosis and the not knowing what's going on (we were in scan limbo at that point).
I have had 2 scans since I last updated. One scan showed shrinkage which is amazing and from that we made the choice to continue on the same chemo. I have recently had scan results which has shown my cancer is stable which again is great news. This time though I will not have a break from chemo so I will continue with another 6 rounds, I'm due to have to my 12th round of folfiri Tuesday and luckily it only makes me feel a little groggy on the infusion day and then just very tired for the few days after which I can cope with I can still do everything with the kids and just take it a little slower on chemo days.
We are still managing to live life to the fullest which is what I aim to do as long as im well enough and make lots of memories with family and friends. Right now we are on the way to Weymouth to have a caravan holiday with family so will update on that on my next post.
April is bowel cancer awareness month so please as usual if you notice anything unusual or different in your body please please see you gp and insist on a fit test don't let your gp fob you off or tell you your too young for any symptoms.
The same goes for any part of your body not just bowel cancer!!!
Head on over to bowelcancer.co.uk to take the #knowthehigh5 quiz
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